


Our Strategies Provide The Opportunity To Retire with Less Risk, Less Cost and Less Tax.


Reduce Investment Risk


Reduce Investment Fees


Reduce Taxes


Build a Retirement You Can Count On

Protect - Reduce Investment Risk

Our First Objective Is To Protect Assets And Invest With Less Risk

The number one concern in retirement is running out of money. However, the primary preventable cause of failure in retirement planning is investing in assets that lose significant value.

Typically people have their assets invested in things that carry a direct relationship to market performance. Meaning that when the market goes up, their investment value goes up with it. And when the market goes down…….the investment value goes down.

By utilizing specific risk shaping tools, we are able to create a risk profile which has more upside potential and less downside risk on a specific investment. This changes the traditionally linear relationship between market risk and investment value. This non-linear investing format gives you a strategic advantage for potential growth and more importantly, risk reduction as you plan, prepare and invest for retirement.

Our goal is to protect your assets & investments by minimizing risk, where possible, and maximizing potential returns so you can retire confidently and vacation freely.

Optimize - Reduce Investment Fees

Our Second Objective Is To Optimize Your Investment Assets

One cause for poor investment performance is fees. In fact, the fastest way to create better performance on your investments is to simply minimize the fees you are paying.

For example, if you earned 5% on a specific investment for any given time, but paid 2% in fees, your net gain is only 3%. By optimizing your investment fees by just 1% you now net 4% without changing anything but where your money is invested.

Another cause of poor investment performance is a bad investment allocation. Most advisors allocate among different investment assets thinking that at least one of the items will go up.

There is a better way.

Optimizing means reducing costs and investing in assets that have a protective component as well as an upside potential.

Shield - Reduce Taxes

Our Third Objective Is To Shield Your Retirement From The Impact Of Taxes And Inflation

For most people, unless you have a significant health issue late in life, taxes will be your largest expense in retirement. By working to minimize the amount of taxes you pay, our goal is to increase your retirement cash flow.

We will work with you to explore ways to shield your investment and retirement assets from taxes and inflation using innovative and customized strategies.

Build - Build a Retirement You Can Count On

Our Fourth Objective Is To Build Your Legacy By Protecting, Optimizing and Shielding Your Retirement In A Family Or Legacy Bank.

You have worked hard to create a well-funded, reliable retirement plan and even a family legacy. When you pass on wealth, we believe that wealth should last for generations.

We help you build your own family office or family bank to create an enduring legacy.

Our Next Steps

We believe that the key to a successful retirement plan is clarity

Discover the protective overlay and how to use it

Gather your investment statements to review investment risks and costs

Begin the Regents Park, Invest and Protect Process™ to identify ways to reduce risks, reduce costs and reduce taxes

Receive a personalized proposal of how our system can help you build a retirement plan to live life differently

As you implement the Invest and Protect™ Process, you can reduce investment risk, reduce investment costs and reduce taxes. While we cannot always predict the future, our Invest and Protect Process is designed to endure market crashes and benefit from market growth. You’ll see ways you can be offensive, defensive, or protective in how your money is invested. We work with you to customize a plan that is best suited to help you achieve your goals.

We act as Fiduciaries as we work with you to put your interests first and to ensure that our solutions can align with your goals. Our commitment is to treat your financial situation with the care and concern that we would our own financial circumstances.

Our Invest and Protect Process is designed to give you confidence during any market condition

Whether you are an Individual Investor, Registered Investment Advisory Firm, Wealth Manager, Financial Intermediary or Institution, our high touch approach to client service is designed for you. At Regents Park Advisors, we offer personalized portfolio management to invest and protect your assets.